Dies betrifft alle Fotos von Paul Langenfeld. Fotos von Dritten sind durch deren Copyrights und Nutzungsrechte (Rights of Usage) geschützt.
Jedweder Missbrauch wird strafrechtlich verfolgt.
Die Copyrights und Rights of Usage sind in Englischer Sprache verfasst, damit auch Besucher aus nicht deutschsprachigen Ländern diese lesen können.
All images are protected by domestic and international copyright, trademark and other laws and other rights unless otherwise specified.
The photographer is the owner of the copyright of a photograph or image, absent other agreement. Unless otherwise clearly indicated, every picture is copyrighted and can only be used for personal and private purposes, except as explicitly provided in written form.
This prohibition means you may not transmit, mirror, modify, use it for artificial intelligence (AI) or redistribute any image without the express prior written permission of the copyright owner. Any other use requires the prior consent of the copyright owner.
This license is for personal use only. Personal use means non-commercial use of the image(s) for display on personal computers mobile devices etc, or making prints for personal use.
Should you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at my contact form.
Home: www.paul-langenfeld.de
Paul Langenfeld
(last update: 11/2024)